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The Focusrite Guitar FX Suite VST crack provides eleven Guitar FX plug-ins. These include five of the world’s finest guitar amp models and four distortion pedal effects, all courtesy of bespoke Italian software company, Overloud. A Hot Tuna guitar tuner and Smart Hum Remover are also provided.
Focusrite吉他特效套件VST crack提供了11个吉他特效插件。其中包括五款世界上最好的吉他放大器型号和四款失真踏板效果,全部由定制的意大利软件公司Overloud提供。还提供了热金枪鱼吉他调谐器和智能嗡嗡声消除器。
The amp models include plug-ins based on the Vox AC30, Marshall JCM900, Fender Twin, MESA Boogie Rectifier and the Fender Bassman. The pedal models include plug-ins based on the Boss DS-1, the Ibanez Tube Screamer, the Electro Harmonix Big Muff and the Dunlop Fuzz Face.
amp型号包括基于Vox AC30、Marshall JCM900、Fender Twin、MESA Boogie整流器和Fender Bassman的插件。踏板模型包括基于Boss DS-1、Ibanez管尖叫器、Electro Harmonix大套筒和Dunlop Fuzz Face的插件。
The amp and pedal models utilise Overloud’s analogue modelling technology, which faithfully reproduces every detail of an analogue tone. It also ensures perfect reproduction of parameter behaviour, so you always feel like you’re controlling the real hardware. With Overloud’s analogue modelling technology, each component of the schematic has its own mathematical model. After this rather raw scientific step, the resulting tone is fine tuned by ear. Overloud don’t, unlike many modelling companies, use standard widely available DSP techniques to obtain a tone that only vaguely resembles the original one. Instead, custom developed non-standard DSP techniques reproduce every detail of the original tone.
Finally, each cracked Focusrite Guitar FX Suite plug-in provides a host of factory pre-sets, providing a number of great tones for you to audition immediately. You can also save and recall your own custom pre-sets, building a vast library of your own custom tones over time.