![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Audio Damage Dubstation is an emulation of vintage delay effects. This plugin realistically recreates the delay effect of old analog processors. It is quite simple to set up and has the most necessary parameters.
Dubstation 2 has become our most popular product and provides a host of new features including dual mode for separate left and right delay time control, ping pong, a new saturation feedback algorithm and LFO.
Dubstation 2已成为我们最受欢迎的产品,并提供了一系列新功能,包括用于分离左右延迟时间控制的双模、乒乓球、新的饱和反馈算法和LFO。
Dubstation has been a plugin for over a decade that has been used on thousands of commercial tracks and for good reason.
Changes in v2.2.0
• Minor bugfixes and optimizations, and front-to-back rebuild with all current SDKs and APIs.
• macOS payload is now Universal Binary 2, and will run native on “Apple Silicon” based Macs. Note that due to digital signature requirement changes for macOS, we have moved the minimum macOS to 10.12 “Sierra.” If you require an older version of Dubstation, we are happy to provide it. Just drop us a line via the support page.
•macOS负载现在是Universal Binary 2,将在基于“Apple Silicon”的Mac上运行。请注意,由于macOS的数字签名要求发生了变化,我们已将macOS的最低要求改为10.12“Sierra”。如果您需要Dubstation的旧版本,我们很乐意提供。请通过支持页面给我们留言。
• Linux compatibility improved. We removed some dependencies that wouldn’t be included in a normal Ubuntu install, and weren’t necessary for the plugin. This should make the “out of the box” experience considerably easier.