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[镶边/延迟/振荡器/合唱] W.A. Production Mutant Delay v2.1.0同步延迟插件非常适合语音处理 Mac [MORiA]AU | VST | VST3



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发表于 2012-12-30 21:10:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
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Mutant Delay is a host-synced delay plugin with a built-in ducker, perfect for vocal processing and many other applications. In the studio, we’ve lost count of the number of times we’ve had to set up convoluted sidechain and compression routing, just to achieve a ducked delay for our vocal lines. With Mutant Delay all that complexity is a thing of the past. Now you can easily replicate this popular mixing technique with just one plugin and a couple of clicks, allowing you to dial in extreme delay effects whilst maintaining clarity of the original signal. If you want to keep things simple, just load up Mutant Delay on your vocal track, choose a preset and voila!

Mutant Delay是一个内置ducker的主机同步延迟插件,非常适合语音处理和许多其他应用程序。在录音室里,我们已经记不清有多少次我们不得不设置复杂的侧链和压缩路由,只是为了让我们的声音线有一个隐蔽的延迟。随着突变延迟,所有的复杂性都已成为过去。现在,只需一个插件和几次点击,您就可以轻松复制这种流行的混合技术,允许您在保持原始信号清晰的同时拨入极端延迟效果。如果你想保持简单,只需在你的音轨上加载突变延迟,选择一个预设,瞧!

So what’s going on under the hood? Essentially, the ducker listens to the dry source, and ducks the wet delay signal making space for the source signal. This setup is very useful when using more pronounced delay effects that have a lot of feedback. For example; vocals, synths and percussion. Quickly dial in extreme delay effects without losing the definition and clarity of the source signal.




The Mutant Delay logo acts as a bypass control for the whole plugin, and is smoothed to be click and pop free for unhindered A/B testing.

Mutant Delay标志作为整个插件的旁路控件,并平滑化,无需点击和弹出,以进行无阻碍的a/B测试。

Visual Feedback


The waveform graph at the very top of the interface shows the dry source and the wet delay signal in different colours. You can clearly see what the plugin is doing in terms of delay and ducking.


Synced Delay Section


The Synced Delay section of Mutant Delay offers flexible host-synced delay for the left and right channel independently, including High & Low pass filters and a Ping-Pong setting.

Mutant Delay的Synced Delay部分为左右声道独立提供灵活的主机同步延迟,包括高通和低通滤波器和乒乓设置。

Mix & Time


Use the Mix dial to set the wet delay level. Used in conjunction with the Threshold and Ratio dials within the Internal Ducker section, this parameter can give precise control over the performance of the delay and feedback. Independent delay time controls for the left and right channels can be set from 1/1 to 1/16 with straight, triplet or dotted notes.


Feedback & Ping-pong


The Feedback dial mixes the output of the delay back into the input of the delay line, creating a repetitive delay effect. For more complex delay combinations, you can cross-mix the feedback paths of the left and right delay channel using the Ping-Pong routing option.

反馈拨盘将延迟的输出混合回延迟线的输入,从而产生重复的延迟效果。对于更复杂的延迟组合,可以使用Ping Pong路由选项交叉混合左右延迟通道的反馈路径。

Frequency shaping


A common delay technique; shaping the frequency of the delay tail adds movement to the feedback and helps with mix clarity, reducing high and low end clutter. Mutant Delay’s High & Low pass filter dials can be used to filter the output of the delayed signal in two different ways. Mode A limits the entire delayed signal to the upper and lower frequency limits. Mode B will introduce the frequency shaping slowly as the delay feeds back - an interesting and creative effect.

一种常见的延迟技术;对延迟尾的频率进行整形可以增加反馈的运动,并有助于混合清晰度,减少高端和低端杂波。Mutant Delay的高通和低通滤波器刻度盘可用于以两种不同的方式对延迟信号的输出进行滤波。模式A将整个延迟信号限制在频率上限和下限。模式B将在延迟反馈时缓慢引入频率整形,这是一种有趣且富有创意的效果。

Internal Ducker Section


The ducking section of the interface works similarly to a standard compressor and the Threshold and Ratio dials are the main controls for shaping how the ducked signal is processed. Threshold sets the intensity level at which the compressor starts working and the Ratio dial dictates how much gain reduction is applied.


Advanced Controls : Attack / Hold / Release


You can fine tune the behaviour of the ducking effect with the Attack, Hold and Release dials. Attack allows you to ignore transients in the delay signal. Hold stabilises the generated gain reduction. Release set the fade out time for the gain reduction. Adjusting these parameters is the key to shaping your bespoke delay. Try setting Attack to zero and dialling in a long Release time for a really atmospheric effect.




Including a wide range of factory presets, Mutant Delay is designed to get you up and running quickly. The specially tailored settings include many types of delay chains, from standard processing right through to special FX. These are all easily accessible from the plugin menu and of course, you can save you own settings as user presets too.


This all-in-one frequency shaped ducked delay gives you precise control over your delayed vocals, synths and so much more. Mutant Delay perfectly controls delay feedback tails, without complex routing and sidechaining, maintaining the clarity of the original signal. It’s just simple and fast.


W. A. Production are real-life producers making creative plugins to help you achieve studio quality processing quickly and easily. Enjoy!

W、 答:制作是现实生活中制作创意插件的制作人,帮助您快速轻松地实现工作室质量的处理。享受



- Host-synced delay


- Built-in internal ducker with compressor-style controls


- Many presets for a wide range of delay parameters


- Click free bypass control


- 2 filtering modes (straight dampening & increasing over time)


- Straight and ping-pong delay with multiple note divisions


- Real-time waveform display


- Full PDF Manual & Tutorial video






发表于 2012-12-31 09:20:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国广西玉林


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