![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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格式:VST, VST3, AAX x86 x64
The digital world, with its clarity and accuracy, lacks some vibration from the old days. That’s why the English producer and remixer Greg Brimson, also working on the United Plugins engine, came up with us with his idea for a dream plugin. “Create an entry door for each entry and name it Front DAW, guys,” he said, “so that each track has a real analogue entrance.” Thanks to him, you can turn your DAW Mixer into a real analogue console.
数字世界,以其清晰和准确,缺乏一些振动从旧时代。这就是为什么英国制作人兼remixer Greg Brimson也在开发United Plugins引擎,他提出了一个dream插件的想法。”“为每个入口创建一个入口门,命名为Front DAW,伙计们,”他说,“这样每个轨道都有一个真正的模拟入口。”多亏了他,你们可以把DAW混音器变成一个真正的模拟控制台。
Not only Greg needs to use our variable random analog simulation technology. VARM is a technology based on knowledge of the chaotic behavior and randomness of the analog world. Thanks to VARM, each instance of the plugin acts a little differently. VARM simulates the randomness of subtle differences in the values ​​of electrical parts – just like in real electrical units and real console channels.