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Adam Monroe’s Wurlitzer is a virtual instrument, an early 1970s model of the Wurlitzer 200A. The process began with a subset of the Wurlitzer’s built-in piano speakers using the Beyerdynamic MC930 condenser microphone and the AEA R84 tape microphone via the line output via the Reverb Amp Fender Deluxe. These signals were applied to the Grace M101 and AEA TRP preamps. The signals from the wurlitzer amplifier and preamplifier were summed, in an attempt to maintain gain. But about halfway through the sampling process, the amplifier died, which ultimately killed the power transformer. The preamplifier, amplifier, and power transformer were replaced and sampling continued. When the sampling of bass notes began, it became apparent that the Wurlitzer’s built-in speakers also needed to be replaced.
亚当·门罗的Wurlitzer是一种虚拟仪器,是20世纪70年代早期Wurlitzer 200A的模型。这一过程始于Wurlitzer的一部分内置钢琴扬声器,使用Beyerdynamic MC930电容话筒和AEA R84磁带话筒,通过混响放大器的线路输出。这些信号应用于Grace M101和AEA TRP前置放大器。将来自wurlitzer放大器和前置放大器的信号相加,以保持增益。但大约在采样过程的一半,放大器死亡,最终导致电力变压器死亡。更换前置放大器、放大器和电源变压器,并继续采样。当低音取样开始时,很明显Wurlitzer的内置扬声器也需要更换。
When sampling, low frequencies strongly dominated, so the samples were processed with an equalizer, so that later it would be possible to better place them in the mix. It was the most temperamental instrument we have ever sampled!
Simple linear distortion was added to some samples, and some also have built-in reverb