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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Workstation is the latest version of what is considered the best electric piano library ever created. Neo-Soul Keys 4.0 for UVI boasts a completely new architecture and a new era for electric piano libraries.
工作站是被认为是有史以来最好的电子钢琴库的最新版本。适用于UVI的Neo Soul Keys 4.0拥有全新的体系结构和电子钢琴图书馆的新时代。
Version 4 of Neo-Soul Keys boasts a whopping 50 new electric pianos, as well as some very simple scripting techniques that will allow a single electric piano to have over 24 different tones that can change at speed.
Neo Soul Keys的第4版拥有多达50台新的电子钢琴,以及一些非常简单的脚本技术,这些技术可以让一台电子钢琴拥有24种以上的不同音调,并且可以快速变化。
The sound of the Neo-Soul keys is extremely warm and expressive. You have the ability to completely remove all mechanical stress in order to save the processor and RAM.
Neo Soul钥匙的声音非常温暖和富有表现力。您可以完全消除所有机械应力,以节省处理器和RAM。
You also have the ability to customize each mechanical effect and independently adjust the velocity curve, velocity magnitude, and velocity sensitivity for each layer, giving you endless control when shaping and creating your own sound.
When you start with an already vintage sample of over 50 electric pianos and combine it with stellar UVI effects and very advanced scripting techniques, you have the best electric piano library ever made!
Copy the R2RUVI file from the R2R folder to C: \ ProgramData \ UVI \ R2R