![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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容量: | 1.72GB |
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Created for producers and sound engineers of any genre, Drum Designer 1.5 provides innovative tools to shape, pitch, and customize drum sounds in ways that were previously impossible or time-consuming.
Based on an in-depth analysis of drum production methods, Drum Designer offers 4 dedicated instruments as well as a dedicated 8-part sequencer, an extensive collection of 5,700+ samples, 2,500+ carefully crafted drum presets, 398 kits and more.
Drum Designer was designed to offer deep sound shaping controls. Unlike sample packs, which can be frustrating to manipulate, Drum Designer unlocks your drums, giving you the ability to surgically alter the individual components of each sound. Create tight and powerful kits with absolute control, easily match existing sounds to a track, instantly create variations, modulate any detail, and create wild new textures.
鼓设计旨在提供深沉的声音塑造控制。与样品包不同,样品包的操作可能会令人沮丧,Drum Designer会解锁您的鼓,让您能够通过手术改变每个声音的各个组成部分。创建具有绝对控制力的紧凑而强大的套件,轻松将现有声音与曲目匹配,即时创建变化,调整任何细节,并创建全新的纹理。
Drum Designer breaks down individual beats into separate chunks and layers, giving you the best out of both raw synthesis and sample-based approaches to drum design. A huge collection of thousands of “component” samples are brought together in 4 expressive drum engines: Kick, Snare, Clap and Cymbal, using custom 3D waveform tables and samples, filtering and DSP to help you create a new wave of signature beats.
Drum Designer将单个节拍分解为单独的块和层,为您提供最佳的原始合成和基于示例的鼓设计方法。数千个“组件”样本的巨大集合汇集在4个表现力强的鼓引擎中:Kick、Snare、Clap和Cymbal,使用定制的3D波形表和样本、过滤和DSP帮助您创建新一波的签名节拍。
To work with the bank you need a Falcon sampler
Installation: move the R2RUVI file from the R2R folder to C: \ ProgramData \ UVI \ R2R