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Introducing Legacy Cell from Korg, a Performance based plug-in that lets you freely combine two instances of the MS-20 and/or Polysix together along with a dual-effects processor for even more dynamic and unique sonic creations!
介绍Korg的Legacy Cell,这是一款基于性能的插件,可让您将MS-20和/或Polysix的两个实例与双效处理器自由组合在一起,实现更具动态性和独特性的音效创作!
It offers 127 presets with plenty of room for your own combinations. The MDE-X effects processor offers everything you could want from reverbs and delays to distortion and even the MS-20's filter section is available as an effect. A virtual Korg microKontrol is built-in to the Legacy Cell too for real-time assigning and manipulation of any editable parameters, and it works instantly with a real microKontrol too! The bottom line with this whole package is great plug-ins, great sound, great results, great price!
它提供127个预设,为您自己的组合提供了足够的空间。MDE-X特效处理器提供您想要的一切,从混响、延迟到失真,甚至MS-20的滤波器部分都可以作为特效使用。一个虚拟的Korg microKontrol也内置在遗留单元中,用于实时分配和操作任何可编辑的参数,并且它也可以立即与一个真正的microKontrol一起工作!这整个软件包的底线是伟大的插件,伟大的声音,伟大的结果,伟大的价格!
Platform: WiN64 - EXE/VST/AAX
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1CpNkVpmURyE4lyMNf9NYdw 提取码: j8qa