这是一个双调制过滤!切断低压/血压/高压过滤器可以控制一个低频振荡和/或步进音序器。步进音序器也可以控制速度或调制的低频振荡!无论是同步的主机。低频振荡器也可以运行在音频率!(手动或通过传入迷笛笔记)。 如果这一切是不够的:两个低频振荡和音序器可以把他们的价值观作为迷笛消委会信息控制其他插件或合成器!

This is a dual-modulated multi-filter! The cutoff of an LP/BP/HP-filter can be controlled by an LFO and/or a step sequencer. The step sequencer can also control the speed or the modulation amount of the LFO ! Both are synced to host. The LFO can also run at audio rates! (manual or by incoming MIDI notes). And if all this is not enough: both LFO and step sequencer can send their values as MIDI CC messages to control other plugins or synths !