The SCHOEPS Mono Upmix can generate Stereo and even LCR channels from any mono signal and works great on voices in Post Production, synth in music production, as well as bass, guitars, drum room mics, vocals, etc. It adaptively extracts the diffuse sound in the mono input signal to create an upmix signal. As the diffuse sound should always be reproduced decorrelated on different stereo channels, the up-mixed signal sounds more natural than the original mono track.
SCHOEPS Mono Upmix可以从任何单声道信号中生成立体声甚至LCR通道,在后期制作中的声音、音乐制作中的合成器以及低音、吉他、鼓室话筒、人声等方面都非常有效。它可以自适应地提取单声道输入信号中的漫反射声音,以创建Upmix信号。由于漫反射声音应始终在不同的立体声通道上不相关地再现,因此上混信号的声音比原始单轨声音更自然。
The Mono Upmix is often superior to a reverb as it doesn’t add reverb but uses the present diffuse sound. Furthermore, it’s possible to control the perceived source distance and panning position by generating early reflections. The Mono Upmix plugin performs great with mono location sound dialogue as well as spot microphones in a music recording.
单声道上混音通常优于混响,因为它不添加混响,而是使用当前的漫反射声音。此外,可以通过生成早期反射来控制感知的源距离和平移位置。Mono Upmix插件在单声道位置声音对话以及音乐录制中的现场话筒方面表现出色。
Upmix mono → Stereo and LCR (2ch or 3ch)
上混音单声道→ 立体声和LCR(2ch或3ch)
Control perceived source distance
Controls panning position
Boost diffuse the room/reverb portion of the signal
VST3-AAX 64bit for WiNDOWS