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[放大器/激励器] W.A. Production Biggifier by ADEN v1.0.0 功能强大的单旋钮音色增强效果器 Mac [MORiA] AU | VST | VST3



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发表于 2023-1-19 20:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
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BIGGIFIER by Aden is a powerful one-knob that delivers an instant and addictive shot to the metaphorical arm of any sound. Jack up that wimpy kick, beef up the faintest of vocals and juice any flaccid sample into a BIG, fat, room-filling sound. Don’t be afraid to keep cranking up that knob until you hit maximum Bigness. The fact that it’s so insanely simple and quick to use and the quality of the output so high, across a range of modes, makes this a must have tool for both the most seasoned producers out there, as well as those just starting to explore sound design and production.

Designed by artist, songwriter and producer Jonas Aden in conjunction with WA Production, the BIGGIFIER has been a long-time coming. Having released records on labels including Spinnin, Musical Freedom, Hexagon, Heldeep and STMPD, Jonas has also fine-tuned his production skills across a slew of stellar collaborations with Brooks, Mesto and Mike Williams and remixes for Katy Perry, Zedd, Tiesto, Jonas Blue and Rita Ora. All the while, behind the scenes, Jonas’ co-writing and production credits include industry titans Martin Garrix, Alan Walker & ASAP Rocky.

BIGGIFIER由艺术家、词曲作者和制作人乔纳斯·阿德恩(Jonas Aden)与WA Production联合设计,已经问世很久。乔纳斯在Spinnin、Musical Freedom、Hexagon、Heldeep和STMPD等唱片公司发行了唱片,并在与布鲁克斯、梅斯托和迈克·威廉姆斯的一系列明星合作中调整了自己的制作技巧,并为凯蒂·佩里、泽德、蒂斯托、乔纳斯·布鲁和丽塔·奥拉混音。一直以来,在幕后,乔纳斯的共同编剧和制作作品包括行业巨头马丁·加里克斯、艾伦·沃克和ASAP洛基。

5 Ways To Get Big


Everyone knows that weak and weedy production can destroy an otherwise great track, so the challenge is to constantly aim for bigger and better. That’s where Biggifier excels, with a pure and simple one-knob concept, designed to take the stress out of production and take your individual instrument parts to the next level. Most of the hard work is being done behind the scenes, with each of the 5 modes tailored to a specific type of processing, with some genuinely genius transformations to get your music slamming, right out of the gate.


Secret Signal Chains


Biggifier houses 5 bespoke signal chains for making any type of audio fatter, wider and juicer. Some of these modes are based on tried-and-tested concepts like chorus, reverb and overdrive but each has been given that special Jonas Aden twist. Secret settings under the hood push these once-familiar processing tools into territory that will breathe new life into your productions.


Witness the Bigness


The BIGGIFIER is ludicrously simple to use and the interface allows you to easily make tweaks to the processing so that every element is personal to you and your music. Utilise the Mix and Length dials to shape the effects further. So whether you want a subtle thickening of your synth line, or a harder-hitting kick, there’s a perfect setting in BIGGIFIER to get you the sound you desire as quickly as possible... the rest is up to you.


Input, Output & Mix


With adjustable gain levels, the live input and output meters show exactly what’s happening to the signal as it travels through the plugin in real time. The input fader also features a safety-limiter. Crank the Bigness dial up and you’ll see the Output meter start to show the strain as the glass starts to crack. Choose to combine the processed signal with your original raw audio via the Mix ratio control, allowing you to dial in parallel processing effects.




The many included presets will speed up your search for the perfect starting point to begin beefing up elements of your track. These factory options can be used on guitars, bass, drums, synths, vocals and any kind of audio. The presets include everything from subtle thickening to more full-on transformation effects.


W. A. Production are real-life producers making creative plugins to help you achieve studio quality processing quickly and easily. Enjoy!

W、 答:制作是现实生活中制作创意插件的制作人,帮助您快速轻松地实现工作室质量的处理。享受



- Designed by JONAS ADEN


- Artist curated bespoke FX chains


- 5 distinct BIGGIFIER modes with Length control


- Focus on easy operation


- Adjustable input and output gain


- Responsive & CPU friendly


- Factory presets


- Full PDF Manual & Tutorial video





发表于 2023-4-12 18:39:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国山东


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