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SIX CABINET PACKS in a BUNDLE. Unbridled Heavy.
OTTO CABS Vol I is my personal collection of some of my favorite cabs, meticulously & exhaustively captured to give a guitar tone ultimate power, depth, weight & clarity. The work was not done until I could sit in front of my studio monitors and get an unparalleled sound / vibe experience as I do with my cabs in the room pushed by electrified iron & glass. Do not expect these to sound like other IR’s. Like the Eleven Eleven, I wanted to feel the air move – I grew tired of the sound of a mic’d cab sitting in the other room. So, after 6 months of relentless a/b testing, shootouts among 25+ mics, 12 different power amps, and landing on a Neve signal path … borderline obsession… produced an unbridled heavy. A true cab experience coming out of your DAW. With each cab you get 17 mic selections and 5 “sweet spot”
OTTO CABS Vol I是我个人收藏的一些我最喜欢的CABS,经过精心和详尽的捕捉,赋予吉他音色终极的力量、深度、重量和清晰度。直到我能坐在工作室的监视器前,获得无与伦比的声音/氛围体验,就像我在房间里用电铁和玻璃推着的出租车一样,这项工作才完成。不要期望这些听起来像其他IR。像11-11一样,我想感受空气的流动——我厌倦了坐在另一个房间的带麦克风的出租车的声音。因此,经过6个月不懈的a/b测试,25个以上话筒、12个不同功率放大器之间的枪战,以及在Neve信号路径上着陆……边缘困扰……产生了一种肆无忌惮的沉重情绪。一个真正的出租车体验来自你的DAW。每个cab有17个话筒选择和5个“最佳点”
Features 5 guitar cabinets + 1 Bass Cabinet:
M35A OS 2001 – “The sound” V30 oversized. cab serial dated 9/5/2001. Enough said. I made sure to shootout this vs other popular V30 cab products… you will not be disappointed.
M35A OS 2001-“The sound”V30超大。cab序列号,2001年9月5日。说够了。我一定要与其他流行的V30驾驶室产品进行对比…你不会失望的。
SUN 412SR – This rarest of the rare 1969 vertical tower cabs, the first ever IR capture of this cab. Loaded with four 12″ Sunn acoustic suspension transducers in an infinite baffle enclosure for extended high-level bass response without breaking up or bottoming out. This cab mic’d dead center on the cap is unlike anything I’ve ever heard. Dare I say , I prefer it to a V30 in many contexts – a true secret weapon.
SUN 412SR–这是1969年罕见的垂直塔式驾驶室中最罕见的一种,也是首次对这种驾驶室进行红外捕获。在无限大的挡板外壳中装有四个12〃Sunn声学悬挂传感器,用于扩展高电平低音响应,而不会破裂或触底。帽子上的这个驾驶室麦克风死点和我听过的都不一样。我敢说,在许多情况下,我更喜欢V30——一种真正的秘密武器。
CRVN 412 V30 – This cab is a special gem, exceedingly guttural, more so than other V30 cabs I’ve heard. Has a particular roar that is unique and lends itself to the ultra heavy side of tones. Straight cab, pure power, punch, push & punish.
CRVN 412 V30–这款驾驶室是一种特殊的宝石,非常有喉音,比我听说的其他V30驾驶室更为如此。有一种独特的吼叫,适合超重的音调。直驾驶室,纯动力,冲床,推&罚。
1960 WAR YALL – 900 slant cab with T75’s, my personal favorite cab when playing in the room. Full, thick and sounds devastating when mic’d and dialed properly.
1960 WAR YALL–900倾斜驾驶室,配备T75,是我在房间里玩时最喜欢的驾驶室。当麦克风和拨号正确时,声音饱满、厚实且极具破坏性。
PV 5111 SHEFF – 1990’s straight cab, a live workhorse for me for a decade+, amazing when blended with other cabs too. Model 1200 speakers
PV 5111 SHEFF–1990年的直行驾驶室,对我来说是十年以上的活马,当与其他驾驶室混合时也令人惊叹。1200型扬声器
AMPG 810 – My bass cab I’ve used for over a decade. I wanted to provide additional options for mix engineers, bassists and guitarists. Only rule in audio is “if it sounds good, it is good.” Use with guitar if you feel so inclined.
AMPG 810–我用了十多年的低音驾驶室。我想为混音师、贝司手和吉他手提供更多选择。音频中唯一的规则是“如果听起来很好,就很好。”如果你觉得有兴趣,可以用吉他。
17 mics, 5 positions per mic – exhaustive and yet easy to navigate and find a great tone right away.
Limitless Phase coherency – Every position and mic was phase aligned to perfection for blending with each other at any position, blending with other minimum phase cab IR’s. Mix, match & stack for towers of tone without getting messy.
无限相位相干性–每个位置和麦克风的相位都经过完美对齐,可以在任何位置相互混合,与其他最小相位cab IR混合。混合、匹配和堆叠音塔,而不会变得杂乱。
Intervaled IR’s ™ – I refused to stop with just accurate, or heavy – IR’s must have clarity, articulation and sound pristine when playing power chords without congestion. Impact on chugs and separation when playing intervals is near top of the list of requirements when choosing a tone to play through or print to my session. How is this achieved? Fine tuning every part of the process and playing/testing by ear, then hand selecting each.
插入IR™ – 我拒绝仅仅用精确的或沉重的音来停止——IR必须清晰、清晰、声音原始,才能在没有阻塞的情况下弹奏有力的和弦。在选择播放或打印到我的会话中的音调时,播放间隔对chugs和分离的影响几乎是最重要的要求。这是如何实现的?微调过程的每个部分,通过耳朵播放/测试,然后手动选择每个部分。
Big Iron Transformed™ – Power amps that imbue just the right amount of push, texture and harmonics are what make Otto Cabs “secret sauce”. Testing thoroughly 12 different power amps, I landed on the one that has “it”. I’ll never tell which.
大铁改造™ – 功率放大器,注入适量的推力,纹理和谐波是什么使奥托出租车“秘密酱”。在彻底测试了12种不同的功率放大器后,我找到了一个有“it”的。我永远不知道是哪一个。
Analog Mojo signal path – You’ve heard it a million times, but there’s a reason for it: analog gear just has that warmth, life and something extra that makes audio feel organic – so I landed on running all mics through a Neve mic pre into a Neve channel strip, EQ and console, finely tuned and adjusted.
模拟Mojo信号路径——你们已经听过无数次了,但这是有原因的:模拟设备只是有温暖、生命和一些额外的东西,使音频感觉有机——所以我开始通过Neve mic pre将所有麦克风运行到Neve通道带、EQ和控制台,进行微调和调整。
In finality, most of all, to bear the name Otto, it must grip you and feel great to play; absolutely crush or it doesn’t make the cut. Every IR capture was tested and played through to ensure it hits you with a wave of aural violence coming out of your studio monitors.
