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PSP EasyVerb is a multipurpose algorithmic reverberation processor that can simulate physical spaces or popular reverb machines such as plate and spring reverbs. We’ve made PSP EasyVerb simple to use, while offering enough control to quickly customize each effect to your specific needs. In other words, we wanted to offer you a reverb that is operationally “easy,” but sonically complex!
PSP EasyVerb是一款多用途算法混响处理器,可以模拟物理空间或流行的混响机,如板和弹簧混响。我们使PSP EasyVerb易于使用,同时提供足够的控制,可以根据您的特定需求快速定制每种效果。换句话说,我们想为您提供一种操作“简单”但声音复杂的混响!
PSP EasyVerb gives you a choice of ten beautiful algorithms: Ambience, Room, Chamber, Club, Hall, Arena, Cathedral, Spring, Plate and Reverse. Each algorithm interacts differently with the same set of simple controls, so you don’t have to re-learn the plug-in every time you change your sound.
PSP EasyVerb为您提供了十种漂亮的算法供您选择:氛围、房间、房间、俱乐部、大厅、竞技场、大教堂、春天、盘子和反转。每种算法与同一组简单控件的交互方式不同,因此您不必每次更改声音时都重新学习插件。
Algorithm Variations:
Legacy: This is the original sound from PSP EasyVerb version 1, for seamless compatibility with your existing projects – and it still sounds amazing, too!
传统:这是PSP EasyVerb版本1的原始声音,与您现有的项目无缝兼容,听起来也很棒!
Alt1 & Alt2: These new variations, introduced in version 2, give you expanded creative options with their lush new tonalities.
Algorithm Size Options: Small, Medium*, and Large:
*Medium: Matches the Room size setting from PSP EasyVerb version 1. When you combine Medium size with the Legacy algorithm, you’ll have access to the authentic (and beloved!) sound of PSP EasyVerb version 1.
*中等:与PSP EasyVerb版本1中的房间大小设置相匹配。当您将Medium与Legacy算法结合使用时,您将可以获得PSP EasyVerb版本1的真实(和心爱的!)声音。
Adjustable Parameters:
Decay: Controls the reverb time to shape the overall room character.
Damp: High-frequency damping for darker room simulations.
Predelay: Adjusts the delay before the reverb starts to help you build convincing large spaces.
3-Band Semi-Parametric Equalizer:
This EQ offers upper and lower shelving bands (that can also work as highpass and lowpass filters) as well as a peaking mid band. You can shape the reverb's frequency spectrum for precise tonal adjustments or to create drastic new effects.
