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Four Classic Piano Sounds, Sampled and Modeled with Perfection
Stage Piano includes multi-layer sample sets collected from the world’s most impressive acoustic pianos that cost more than a car! With Stage Piano, you can get the best and most sought-after acoustic pianos inside a VST/AU/AAX-compatible plugin host. The AIR engineering team has painstakingly sampled each piano model in Germany to make sure they captured the natural beauty of the instrument’s acoustic characteristics.
舞台钢琴包括从世界上最令人印象深刻的声学钢琴中收集的多层样品集,这些钢琴比一辆汽车还贵!使用Stage Piano,您可以在VST/AU/AAX兼容的插件主机中获得最佳和最受欢迎的声学钢琴。AIR工程团队在德国对每一架钢琴模型进行了精心的采样,以确保它们捕捉到了乐器声学特性的自然美。
Brilliant Multi-Layer Sampled Pianos with Nuanced Articulation!
Four world-class piano sample sets captured from the Yamaha C7 Grand, Steinway D Grand, Bechstein Upright, and Classic “Workstation” sounds
从雅马哈C7 Grand、Steinway D Grand、Bechstein Upright和经典“工作站”声音中采集的四个世界级钢琴样本集
Control hammer falls, sustain, staccato, and soft pedals to craft the perfect piano performance
Built-in multi-effects engine with compressor, EQ, delay, reverb, lo-fi effects, and more
Digital modeling technology is used in conjunction with samples to create sympathetic resonance and advanced control over the detailed sound of the piano
Support for VST, AU, AAX and MPC/FORCE standalone formats
