![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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The CS15D is a custom instrument based on the legendary Yamaha CS15D with some significant additions. We have combined the bright and recognizable character of the synthesizer with sparkling spaces and an intuitive, flexible sequencer with a gate. Use the CS15D without limiting yourself to any particular music genre. It’s perfect for everything from powerful, roaring bass lines to recreating the sounds of 80s neon pads and the style of 8-bit tracks. Be sure to add this powerful new tool to your collection!
Requires Native Instruments Kontakt FULL v6.6.1 and higher!
需要本机Instruments Kontakt FULL v6.6.1及更高版本!
Additional Information
The Heart
We saved the heart of the synthesizer while carefully and accurately capturing every voice and the brilliance parameter. By switching voices or adjusting the brilliance filter settings, you’ll get the full feeling of working with an hardware synthesizer, in which you can hear all of the fine sound details.
我们保存了合成器的心脏,同时仔细、准确地捕捉每个声音和亮度参数。通过切换声音或调整brilliance filter设置,您将获得使用硬件合成器的完整感觉,在其中您可以听到所有精细的声音细节。
The Space
The original version of the synthesizer didn’t have spatial effects. But in this instrument, you’ll have access to various spatial presets! They were created using the best software and legendary processors, such as the Bricasti M7 and Eventide Eclipse, and will fill your music with character and depth!
最初版本的合成器没有空间效果。但在这个仪器中,您可以访问各种空间预设!它们是使用最好的软件和传奇处理器(如Bricasti M7和Eventide Eclipse)创建的,将使您的音乐充满个性和深度!
We added and set up default ADSR parameters to the instrument. By customizing these parameters, you can easily change the timbre to sculpt sharp percussive sounds or soft, smoothly rising textures.
Moving in Steps
The CS15D has a flexible, intuitive gate sequencer that makes your sounds come to life! You can create any rhythmic pattern by using the various play modes and sequencing from 2 to 32 steps with precise velocity control!
Voices: 29
Effects: 4
Sample Resolution: 48kHz
Bit Depth: 24bit
Uncompressed Size: 1.6Gb

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kEoDH7jD6OgC5F1hpLqRiw