下载 - 0.5.4 [source]
下载- 0.5.4 [来源] 这是第一个开放源码技术(原塔,LAD SPA,dssi)主机系统。它将主要宿主连锁插件的实例,出版千斤顶,艾尔莎和alsa_seq端口来连接你的主要河流流量。它仍然有一些很好的特点,使得第一类主机。 约斯特是一个土生土长的主机,它不会把你的窗户DLL! 特点: 模块化设计与路由的音频/音乐流 -音频路由/杰克和/或更 -可以同步迷笛的启动/停止/继续事件(即从seq24) -可以加载本地垂直筛板,LAD SPA插件,dssi -支持图形用户界面插件 混合与一个频道的每一个插件和mute-bypass按钮 米-音频插件与峰值,均方根和倍频程频谱 字节序的记录 文件处理器:监控,过滤,控制器 内部磁盘浏览器书签的支持 会话状态加载/保存 -可调接口控制 色彩方案支持 修改/下载: 开发版[ 2008-12-02 ] - 0.5.4 [来源] 固定一个问题~编译步骤 +添加MIDI学习每个滑块在插件(右键单击从内部编辑) +添加能够选择的谜底是自动化的滑块直接从菜单 +添加迷笛连铸自动化记录会话 +主图形越来越在视口所以当前模块化面积大 +添加一个视图导航的主要图形此外浏览器 +添加颜色选择器节点模块 +添加中点击导航模块的看法 +添加一个简单的过滤器插件(有待改进) +添加一个控制器插件(有待改进) ~选择和移动一个以上的对象模块的看法现在是可能的 ~固定问题锁定插件模块化面积 ~插件模块视图现在是有限的主要地区,所以你不能拖的组件 ~改变窗口插件处理(可能改写这完全以后) 固定一个问题~插件窗口菜单(第一窗口只响应命令) ~重写参数管理更新机制(没有更多的内存分配实时线程) ~改变滑块在插件的参数窗口 ~固定的一个问题时,midipads保存预置 ~调整,使它编译和运行与海湾合作委员会3
This is the first open source multi-technology (native vst, ladspa, dssi) host in linux. It will mainly host a chain of plugins per instance, publishing jack, alsa and alsa_seq ports in order to be connected in your main stream flow. it still have some very good features that makes it a first class host.
Jost is a native host, it won’t wrap your windows dlls !
- modular design with routable audio/midi flows
- audio routing to/from JACK and/or ALSA
- can sync to MIDI with the start/stop/continue events (i.e. from seq24)
- can load native VST, LADSPA, DSSI plugins
- support for GUI plugins
- mixer with one channel strip for each plugin and mute-bypass buttons
- audio meter plugin with peak, rms and octave spectrum
- midi sequencer with recording
- midi processors: monitor, filter, controller
- internal disk browser with bookmarks support
- session state load / save
- tweakable interface controls
- colour scheme support
Changelog / Downloads:
Development Version [2008-12-02] - 0.5.4 [source]
~ fixed a problem in compilation step
+ added midi learn for each slider in plugins (right click from internal editor)
+ added ability to select which midi CC is automating the slider directly from a menu
+ added midi CC for automation recorded with the session
+ main graph is bigger and inside a viewport so the currently modular area is bigger
+ added a viewport navigator for the main graph besides the browser
+ added colour selector for nodes in modular
+ added middle click navigation in the modular view
+ added a simple midi filter plugin (should be improved)
+ added a midi controller plugin (should be improved)
~ selecting and moving more than one object in the modular view is now possible
~ fixed a problem with locking of plugins in the modular area
~ plugins in modular view now are limited to the main area so you can’t drag off the component
~ changed plugin window handling (may rewrite this completely later on)
~ fixed a problem in plugin window menu (first window only responded to commands)
~ rewrote parameter manager update mechanism (no more memory allocations in realtime thread)
~ changed the slider in the plugin parameters window
~ fixed a problem when saving presets with midipads
~ tweaked to make it compile and run with gcc 4.3.2
Screenshot from 0.5.3

Screenshot from 0.4.2 showing the mixer

Screenshot from 0.4.0

Screenshot from 0.3.3 with sequencer running a ZR3 on scrubby
