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音效处理程序(audacity for veket)1.3.12 中文版



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2012-7-15 21:17:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
audacity-1.3.12b-veket.pet (4.4 MB)
Audacity是一个数码音效处理程序,可导入WAV,AIFF,AU,IRCAM,MP3及Ogg Vorbis,并支持大部份常用的工具,如剪裁、贴上、混音、升/降音以及变音特效。内置载波编辑器。


* 多语使用者介面(切换时必须重新开启)
* 汇入与汇出 WAV、MP3、Ogg Vorbis或者其他的声音档桉格式
o 从1.3Beta开始支援MP4、MOV、WMA、M4A 、AC3档。
* 录音与放音
* 对声音做剪下、複製、贴上(可复原无限次数)
* 多音轨溷音
* 数位效果与外挂程式
* 波封编辑
* 杂音消除
* 支援多声道模式,取样频率最高可至96 kHz,每个取样点可以以24 bits表示
* 支援Nyquist程式语言,让您自行撰写效果器

您可将Audacity用于:现场录音;将磁带和录音带转录为数字录音或CD;编辑Ogg Vorbis、MP3及WAV音频文件;剪切、拷贝、接合及混音;改变录音的速率或音高。

# Beta version 1.3.3 Opening/saving formats Import Import of audio from QuickTime (mov, aac, m4a) files now supported on OSX.
# Broadcast Wave Format (BWF) wave files can now be imported.
# Export Metadata can be added to OGG files.
# Improved Export option selection.
# Additional export options added to MP3 and FLAC file formats.
# Command line exporter now supported on Windows and OSX.
# Effects EQ effect Responsiveness improved.
# Several enhancements added.
# Batch support added.

New Auto Duck effect Added previewing to AudioUnit effects. Much improved Noise Removal effect Effects previewing can now be canceled. New DTMF Tone Generator effect Additional options available in Noise effect. Improved the Tone Generation effects. Other features New built-in screen capture utility Major speed improvement in Spectrogram rendering Increased support for drag and drop on OSX. Support added for building against wxWidgets 2.8.x. Can now open multiple Audacity Projects at once from Explorer on Windows. Improved main window sliders. New support for snapping while selecting and sliding Improved track focus handling and visual feedback. Speed improvements and handling of resizing/zooming in tracks Spectrum view can now be zoomed. New internal file cache to improve handling of project files over networks Also Many improvements to language specific translations Numerous stability improvements





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