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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Stupendous and unheard-of splendors await me below, and I shall seek them soon. Valhalla UberMod VST crack is a unique mutltap delay and modulation plugin.
巨大而前所未闻的辉煌在下面等待着我,我很快就会去寻找它们。Valhalla UberMod VST crack是一个独特的MULTAP延迟和调制插件。
With up to 32 modulated delay taps, extensive diffusion and overdrive sections, and parallel slow and vibrato LFOs, Valhalla UberMod VST crack creates lush dimensional choruses, classic string ensembles, tape and BBD echoes, nonlinear and reverse reverbs, and a bunch of sounds that defy categorization.
Valhalla UberMod VST crack拥有多达32个调制延迟抽头、广泛的扩散和超速部分以及平行的慢速和颤音LFO,创造了丰富的维度合唱、经典弦乐合奏、磁带和BBD回声、非线性和反向混响,以及一系列难以归类的声音。
Updated to version 1.1.6 (Windows) and 1.2.5 (Mac)! VST3, signed & notarized Mac installers, Intel/M1 native Mac builds, signed Windows installers.