![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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容量: | WIN4.8G MAC6.8G |
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Wave Arts 的效果器一直都非常的好用,零延迟,更是让使用后的朋友们爱不释手,这次终于出了采样式的混响效果器,厂商自动了多种硬件效果器的采样,可以直接选择使用,我们在上图中一下就看到了LX480的混响。采样混响,在使用方面相对更简单易用,同时效果也更好。
Convology XT is a free convolution reverb, the result of a collaboration between Impulse Record and Wave Arts. Convology XT comes with 70 vintage impulse responses, a sampling of the 2,965 impulse responses in the Convology XT library.
Convology XT是一种自由卷积混响,是脉冲记录和波形艺术合作的结果。Convology XT附带70个老式脉冲响应,这是Convology XT库中2965个脉冲响应的采样。
The Convology XT library is focused on vintage reverb effects. Responses were sampled from 126 different pieces of vintage studio gear from studios all over the world. There are 10 separate libraries: 80s-90s DSP 1 Basic, 80s-90s DSP 2 Classic, 80s-90s DSP 3 Pro, Plates, Springs Bright, Springs Boingy, Springs Warm, Echo Space, Vintage Amps, and Vintage German DSP. The libraries are affordably priced.
护航XT图书馆的重点是复古混响效果。来自世界各地工作室的126件不同的老式工作室装备被抽样调查。有10个独立的库:80-90年代DSP 1 Basic、80-90年代DSP 2 Classic、80-90年代DSP 3 Pro、Plates、Springs Bright、Springs Boingy、Springs Warm、Echo Space、Vintage Amps和Vintage German DSP。这些图书馆的价格合理。
The plug-in features an easy to use interface to browse through the libraries, allowing the user to quickly step through presets and audition on the fly while the music is playing. Despite being free, Convology XT is a world class convolution reverb, with CPU efficient processing, low latency and zero latency modes, max IR length of 2M samples (40 sec at 48 kHz), support for WAV and AIF files, and modulation. There are also extensive IR modification functions, including stretch, decay time scaling, EQ, frequency-dependent decay time scaling, time reverse, and amplitude envelope. And a cool UI with real time spectrum, time display, and images of the vintage gear.
该插件提供了一个易于使用的界面来浏览库,允许用户在播放音乐时快速浏览预设和试听。尽管是免费的,Convology XT是世界级的卷积混响,具有CPU效率高的处理、低延迟和零延迟模式、最大IR长度为2M采样(48 kHz时为40秒)、支持WAV和AIF文件以及调制。还有广泛的红外修正功能,包括拉伸、衰减时间标度、EQ、频率相关衰减时间标度、时间反转和振幅包络。和一个很酷的用户界面,实时光谱,时间显示和老式齿轮的图像。
2.复制采样文件包 ConvologyXT.component 到这个目录 /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components
ConvologyXT.vst -> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST
ConvologyXT.vst3 -> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3
