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Master Tones offers a British Kolorizer AI-powered analog saturation and equalizer plug-in (worth $ 149).
Master Tones提供了一款由英国Kolorizer AI驱动的模拟饱和和均衡器插件(价值149美元)。
The plugin is based on a British tube amp and uses Master Tones ‘Ariosa’ analog modeling technology.
British Kolorizer: debut of Ariosa technology. Instead of simulating individual components of an analog circuit, the Ariosa engine (and similar technologies) analyzes the audio output of analog equipment to simulate its characteristics in the digital domain.
Ariosa, our flagship analog modeling engine, combines several cutting-edge concepts in modern artificial intelligence (AI), including Differentiated Digital Signal Processing (DDSP), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Neural Networks (DL).
Using the power of artificial intelligence, Ariosa not only accurately simulates the target analog machine without explicitly knowing the circuit diagram, but also precisely defines its characteristics. British Kolorizer uses internal oversampling (96 kHz) with minimal latency and fairly low CPU consumption.
British Kolorizer (BK), the first plug-in from Ariosa, is designed to digitize and optimize a British analog tube amplifier. Instead of analyzing the circuit, Ariosa was trained to directly fit the audio output of analog equipment. When modeling an amplifier, an important feature is the degree of coloration depending on the level of the input signal, which makes the sound more varied in timbre. For this, the dynamics of the input signal for training is carefully designed.
British Kolorizer(BK)是来自Ariosa的第一个插件,旨在对英国模拟管放大器进行数字化和优化。Ariosa没有分析电路,而是被训练直接适应模拟设备的音频输出。在对放大器建模时,一个重要的特征是根据输入信号的电平确定的着色程度,这使得声音的音色更加多样化。为此,精心设计了训练输入信号的动态特性。
The Fat and Brightness knobs are designed to color the sound, but target different frequency ranges. Raising the Fat knob increases the bass for warmth and richness; as the dimmer value is increased, the higher frequencies will be more colored, giving a feeling of lightness. The combination of the two controls is fully sampled, allowing the BK to more closely mimic the behavior of a British tube amp.
Ariosa is a new AI-powered analog simulation technology. This core engine has high fidelity and maintains hardware performance. We also optimize computing performance and reduce latency so that the plugin is available on a regular laptop. The British Kolorizer is the first product modeled by Ariosa.
Quantification demonstrates the success of accurately simulating tube amplifiers.
The British Kolorizer, or BK for short, takes sound to a whole new level – from vintage to luxurious! The great sound of tomorrow comes to you today! BK delivers a dramatic cutting edge AI advantage!
Make your sound FAT or BRIGHT by just two knobs.
10 presets, get your sound right by one click
96 kHz internal computing sampling rate
96 kHz内部计算采样率
Imperceivable latency with no compromise in quality
Big knobs and elegant user interface, very easy to control
An output gain slider that lets you rattenuate the output sound to the desired level