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[动态处理/压缩器/EQ] softube console 1 v2.5.9 win 专业混音台效果器



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2021-3-21 20:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞

Console 1 is a totally unique hybrid between hardware and software, Softube Console 1 gives the best of both worlds, and redefines mixing in the DAW-based studio. Quickly switch between your tracks and control EQ, compressor, gate and more. Mix with the sound of the included Solid State Logic SL 4000 E. Or customize your channels to fit your needs — there are over 70 Console 1 ready plug-ins available from Softube and Universal Audio.

控制台1是一个完全独特的混合硬件和软件,Softube控制台1提供了最好的两个世界,并重新定义了混合在基于DAW的工作室。快速切换您的轨道和控制均衡器,压缩机,大门等。混音包括固态逻辑SL 4000 E。或定制您的频道,以满足您的需要-有超过70控制台1准备插件可从Softube和通用音频。

  • Publisher: Softube
  • Product: Console 1
  • Version: 2.5.9-R2R
  • Formats: VST, VST3
  • Requirements: 64-bit Windows 7 or newer

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