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坚硬的岩石和金属发出的黑暗、温暖和有机的声音。Toontrack Duality II EZX–这款EZX具有专为明亮、金属和渐进的硬摇滚和金属设计的混音效果。
dark, warm and organic sound of hard rock and metal. Toontrack Duality II EZX – This EZX has mixing-ready sounds specifically designed for bright, metallic and progressive hard rock and metal.
Toontrack Duality I EZX. This EZX has mixing-ready sounds specifically designed for the dark, warm and organic sound of hard rock and metal. It has been designed to provide the perfect polarizing sound compared to its Duality II EZX sibling. Both EZXs were recorded by engineer Jakob Herrmann (Evergrey, Raised Fist, Amaranthe) and drummer Alex Landenburg (Kamelot, Cyhra, Mekong Delta) during the same session at Top Floor Studios in Gothenburg, Sweden. The Duality I EZX includes one complete set plus six bass drums, eight snare drums and a stunning set of cymbals.
Toontrack对偶I和EZX。这款EZX具有专为硬质岩石和金属的黑暗、温暖和有机声音而设计的混音就绪声音。它的设计目的是提供完美的极化声音,与它的对偶II EZX兄弟相比。工程师雅各布·赫尔曼(Evergrey,举起的拳头,阿马兰斯)和鼓手亚历克斯·兰登堡(Alex Landenburg,卡梅洛,锡拉,湄公河三角洲)在瑞典哥德堡顶层工作室录制了这两部EZX。Duality I EZX包括一套完整的乐器,外加六个低音鼓、八个小鼓和一组令人惊叹的钹。
In addition to sounds, this EZX also includes a customizable MIDI library, as well as a set of presets designed to provide different takes on the main set, as well as creative hybrids created using a large selection of additional drums, snares and cymbal content.
When two objects – worlds, stars, planets, waves, storms – collide, they either form a collision of epic proportions, destroying almost everything and everyone in their path, or merge and merge into an awe inspiring coherent force of energy. Duality EZX are an example of the latter. Welcome to two contrasting batteries of drums that teeter on the edge between polarized sonic ideals – each good on its own, but amazing together.
Toontrack Duality II EZX. This EZX has mixing-ready sounds specifically designed for bright, metallic and progressive hard rock and metal. It has been designed to offer a polarizing sound, perfect for its brother, the Duality I EZX. Both EZXs were recorded by engineer Jakob Herrmann (Evergrey, Raised Fist, Amaranthe) and drummer Alex Landenburg (Kamelot, Cyhra, Mekong Delta) during the same session at Top Floor Studios in Gothenburg, Sweden. The Duality II EZX includes one complete set plus six bass drums, eight snare drums and a stunning set of cymbals.
Toontrack对偶II EZX。这款EZX具有专为明亮、金属和进步的硬摇滚和金属而设计的混音效果。它被设计为提供极化声音,非常适合它的兄弟,二元性I EZX。工程师雅各布·赫尔曼(Evergrey,举起的拳头,阿马兰斯)和鼓手亚历克斯·兰登堡(Alex Landenburg,卡梅洛,锡拉,湄公河三角洲)在瑞典哥德堡顶层工作室录制了这两部EZX。Du对偶II EZX包括一套完整的乐器,加上六个低音鼓、八个小鼓和一组令人惊叹的钹。
In addition to sounds, this EZX also includes a customizable MIDI library, as well as a set of presets designed to provide different takes on the main set, as well as creative hybrids created using a large selection of additional drums, snares and cymbal contents.
When two objects – worlds, stars, planets, waves, storms – collide, they either form a collision of epic proportions, destroying almost everything and everything in their path, or merge and merge into an awe inspiring coherent force of energy. Duality EZX are an example of the latter. Welcome to two contrasting batteries of drums that teeter on the edge between polarized sonic ideals – each good on its own, but amazing together.
