![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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The Chop Shop plugin sports a super intuitive interface that allows users of all skill levels to quickly address tonal issues in their audio and enhance the original character of sounds in a musical and transparent way.
Chop Shop插件提供了一个超级直观的界面,允许所有技能级别的用户快速解决音频中的音调问题,并以音乐和透明的方式增强声音的原始特征。
It is a faithful digital recreation of the famous 500 series analog EQ from Louder Than Liftoff.
This plugin not only perfectly reproduces the pristine sound of the original but also offers extra features that extend the functionality of this already versatile tone shaping tool.
Whether you are cleaning up multiple recordings from a hectic session or looking for a way to make your synths stand out in the mix, Chop Shop has got your back.
With the ability to quickly enhance the clarity or low end punch of any sound Chop Shop’s simple feature set belies it’s underlying power.
Chop Shop is the perfect tool to use across entire sessions. CPU efficiency coupled with musical transparency make Chop Shop ideal for eliminating masking and enhancing intelligibility.