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- INPUT: Extended 0 to 60dB input gain. Internally compensated input knob to drive circuit and get compression. With original gear, input will boost signal without compensation. With FETISH, you don’t have to reduce volume while you boost input.
- OUTPUT: -30 to +30dB Make-Up Gain to compensate compressed signal
- ATACK: 20 to 800 microseconds with reversed knob to adjust without confusion.
- RELEASE: 50ms to 1.1sec with reversed knob to adjust without confusion.
- RATIO: Selectable 4:1, 8:1, 12:1 and 20:1. Each has it’s own curve and range to start compress. While you use lowest ratio, you should get compression quickly when you boost input. With higher ratios, compression will start at higher input gains.
- HPF: 20 to 500Hz HPF to keep low frequencies from sidechain circuit. So, compressor won’t touch to low-end.
- MID F.(Frequency 500Hz to 10kHz) / MID G.(Gain -6dB to +6dB): With these two knobs, you can set mid frequency and set it to compress more or less. If you boost mid gain (broad band), you will get more compression on selected frequency. If you reduce mid gain, mids will be less compressed.
-MID F.(频率500Hz到10kHz)/MID G.(增益-6dB到+6dB):使用这两个旋钮,您可以设置中频并将其设置为或多或少的压缩。如果你提高中间增益(宽带),你会得到更多的压缩选定的频率。如果你减少mid增益,mid会被压缩得更少。
- HF: HF knob will help you to compress high more. While FLAT position keeps highs natural, HF position will compress highs more.
- MIX: Will let you blend compressed and dry signal.
- SLAM: With this function, you will get ultra-fast and aggressive limiting option. You can use this function for every ratio.
- EXT: This will let you use external signal to compressed input signal.
- IN: Plugin Bypass