jokosher是一个简单的和强大的多轨录音室。jokosher提供了一个完整的应用程序记录,编辑,混合和输出的音频信号,并已被专门设计的可用性的考虑。背后的开发商jokosher重新思考音频制作的每一个层面,并创造了一些非常简单的使用。 易于使用的界面,设计了从地面。jokosher使用的概念和熟悉的语言和音乐家,是一件轻而易举的使用。 简单的编辑与分裂,修剪和移动工具。 多声道音量混合的滑块。 导入音频(奥格vorbis,MP 3,后手,音频和其他任何支持了)到您的项目。 一系列的工具可以被添加到项目中,与仪器可以改名。仪器也可以静音和独奏,容易。 出口文件,再vorbis,后手,和其他东西了支持。
Jokosher is a simple and powerful multi-track studio. Jokosher provides a complete application for recording, editing, mixing and exporting audio, and has been specifically designed with usability in mind. The developers behind Jokosher have re-thought audio production at every level, and created something devilishly simple to use. Easy to use interface, designed from the ground up. Jokosher uses concepts and language familiar to musicians, and is a breeze to use. Simple editing with splitting, trimming and moving tools. Multi-track volume mixing with VU sliders. Import audio (Ogg Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, WAV and anything else supported by GStreamer) into your projects. A range of instruments can be added to a project, and instruments can be renamed. Instruments can also be muted and soloed easily. Export to MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WAV and anything else GStreamer supports. |