sunvox是小型,快速和强大的音乐音序器模块合成器。 可用于桌面电脑(窗口,操作系统,操作系统),掌上电脑(移动,Pal mOS,苹果ipad,)和上网本。 主要特点: 模块化接口。 高度优化的合成算法。 灵活的架构:sunvox可以工作在不同的设备。例如:掌上电脑慢-16位声(固定点算法);或大电脑与强大的中央处理器(32位浮点运算)的声音。 内置合成器: 调频合成器; 发电机(锯,三角形,正方形,噪声波形); 踢球者; 取样器(支持的格式:格式,西,格式); spectravoice(FFT算法的合成模拟式垫); 直流滤波器; 延迟; 失真; 回声; 情商; 滤波器(低通,高通,带通,缺口); 镶边; 低频振荡; 环; 混响(与直流阻塞滤波器); 声滤波器; 颤音。 支持系统:窗,下(x 86/ x86_64),操作系统,Pal mOS,Window sCE(移动),苹果/ ipad。 输出格式。 开发商
SunVox is a small, fast and powerful music sequencer with modular synthesizers. Available for desktop PC (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), pocket computers (Windows Mobile, PalmOS, iPhone, iPad) and netbooks. Key features:
- Modular interface.
- Highly optimized synth algorithms.
- Flexible architecture: SunVox can working on variuos devices. For example: PDA with slow CPU - 16bit sound (fixed point arithmetic); or big PC with powerfull CPU: 32bit sound (floating point arithmetic).
- Built-in synthesizers:
- FM synthesizer;
- Generator (saw,triangle,square,noise waveforms);
- Kicker;
- Sampler (supported formats: WAV, XI, AIFF);
- SpectraVoice (FFT-based synthesizer for analog-like pads);
- DC Blocking Filter;
- Delay;
- Distortion;
- Echo;
- EQ;
- Filter (Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Notch);
- Flanger;
- LFO;
- Loop;
- Reverb (with DC Blocking Filter);
- Vocal Filter;
- Vibrato.
- Supported systems: Windows, Linux (x86/x86_64), Mac OS X, PalmOS, WindowsCE (Windows Mobile), iPhone/iPad.
- Export to WAV.