流云高飞 发表于 2013-2-28 19:47:45

功能齐全的数字音频工作站 harrison consoles mixbus32c v7.1.97

Mixbus32C is a full-featured digital audio workstation that improves on the Mixbus platform with an exact emulation of the original Harrison 32C.

Mixbus32C是一款功能齐全的数字音频工作站,它在Mixbus平台上进行了改进,精确模拟了原Harrison 32C。

If you are striving to make “in the box” mixes that sound like a hit record, Mixbus32C is the tool you are looking for.


new in version 7


Dedicated “Recorder” window


TapeX™ worfkow is optimized for the task of multitrack band recording

磁带™ worfkow针对多轨波段录制任务进行了优化

Provides a compact view of your track’s record & monitor status plus a simplified timeline that keeps everything in view at once


Provides a dedicated meter-bridge for your soundcard inputs: you no longer have to create a Track to see which hardware input you are plugged into


Allows you to rename your device’s hardware inputs to match your studio connections: “Vocal Mic”, “Guitar Mic”, “Bass DI” … these names are retained across sessions


Mac and Windows installers are now Signed and Notarized: no more security prompts during installation!


Updated Mac builds use the latest Apple tools to support the new Waves v12 plugins (among other benefits)

更新的Mac版本使用最新的Apple工具支持新的Waves v12插件(以及其他好处)

Updated ASIO driver for Windows: improved cpu performance and better support for ASIO devices that use milliseconds to set the buffersize rather than samples

更新的Windows ASIO驱动程序:提高了cpu性能,更好地支持使用毫秒设置缓冲区大小而不是采样的ASIO设备

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新梦缘 发表于 2014-2-22 14:25:02


军艺校-江山 发表于 2013-10-7 01:18:12


钉子户 发表于 2013-9-30 21:39:06


/ty蕥歌喑頻エ莋 发表于 2013-3-6 21:04:31


ctzff 发表于 2013-3-5 17:55:36


就是这样 发表于 2013-3-4 01:06:45

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查看完整版本: 功能齐全的数字音频工作站 harrison consoles mixbus32c v7.1.97